~Estate Planning~

At your direction, we prepare documents for estate planning, including Last Will & Testament, Power of Attorney, Advance Healthcare Directive, Living Will, and HIPAA Waiver. As a nonlawyer document preparation company, we do not provide legal advice or representation. But we do prepare documents, explain procedure, and provide you with legal information. We collect the information we need to prepare your documents in writing. 

Last Will & Testament Package ~ $300

Our Last Will & Testament Package Includes: the Last Will & Testament; Power of Attorney; Advance Healthcare Directive; Living Will; and HIPAA waiver. We prepare these documents according to your written instructions. 

Health Planning Documents ~ $100 each

We prepare each of the healthcare documents separately. Power of Attorney; Advance Healthcare Directive; Living Will; and HIPAA Waiver. We prepare these documents according to your written instructions.

Update Your Existing Documents ~  $200

We update your documents such as Last Will & Testament, Power of Attorney; Advance Healthcare Directive; Living Will; and HIPAA Waiver. We prepare these updates according to your written instructions. Please be sure that we agree to this price point prior to submitting payment. Some estate documents can be lengthy, and as these will need to be re-typed we need to know how many pages we'll be updating for you. 

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